Deed of settlement with Ngāti Ranginui initialled

Sunday 8 April 2012, 4:44PM

By Christopher Finlayson


The Crown today initialled a Deed of Settlement for all historical Treaty claims of Ngāti Ranginui, the first of three Tauranga iwi. Initialling a deed of settlement signals the end of substantive negotiations.

The deed was initialled in a ceremony at Huria Marae in Tauranga, with Kingi Tuheitia attending. The Crown was represented by Minister of Consumer Affairs Simon Bridges, who is also Member of Parliament for Tauranga.

“Ngāti Ranginui and other Taurangai iwi have suffered some of the worst grievances in New Zealand’s history including the loss of life and the raupatu of land,” Mr Bridges said. “Today's settlement is about mending a broken relation and moving towards a better future for all. It will also provide opportunities for economic development in the Tauranga region.”

The settlement includes financial redress of $31 million, and also the return Omanawa River Conservation Area, Mangaone Stream Conservation Area, Taumata and Te Awa Ngamuwahine.

“This government is committed to resolving all historical treaty grievances and we are making good progress with negotiations in the Tauranga region,” Mr Bridges said.

Should the deed of settlement is ratified by the people of Ngati Ranginui, the settlement will be signed and implemented through legislation.

The Deed of Settlement will be available on the Office of Treaty Settlements website