Why not say 'thanks', Mr. Heatley?

Labour Party

Wednesday 11 April 2012, 6:21PM

By Labour Party


The behaviour of Housing New Zealand under Phil Heatley is bordering on the absurd, says Annette King Labour's spokesperson on Housing.

“From a blow out in their IT programme and closing their offices to the public, through to extravagant travel for senior executives, and job losses - with permanent staff being replaced by contractors and consultants - this is an agency without leadership or a coherent policy direction,” Annette King said.

“Now tenancy managers, the front line of Housing New Zealand have been told they can't have a farewell cup of tea and piece of cake with their clients,” Annette King said.

“It's been reported two tenancy managers have been 'banned' by their managers from attending a farewell.  Why?  After all Housing New Zealand had no hesitation in spending $75,000 in the last financial year on entertainment, gifts, celebration and car parking to name only a few. Why deny two staff members a free cup of tea?

“This media lockdown looks suspicious to me. Saying thank you is still an accepted practice in New Zealand,” Annette King said.