Haste to slap down baby bill reveals arrogance

Labour Party

Thursday 12 April 2012, 12:08PM

By Labour Party


Confirmation that the Government is likely to veto a parental leave Bill before it has even had its first reading highlights its arrogance towards parliamentary process, Labour MP Sue Moroney says.

“It also shows just how concerned National is about its much-trumpeted return to surplus, because I have specifically written the Bill so it comes into full effect in 2014, the year the Government expects to be back in the black.

“Standing orders allow the Government to exercise a financial veto, but only at the third reading stage. My Bill hasn’t even had a first reading,” Sue Moroney said.

“Kate Wilkinson has already dismissed it as being ‘simply unaffordable’. Conversely Paula Bennett, who said recently that this country had to change its focus  ‘so children always come first and remain at the centre of our thinking’, has been strangely silent.

“Now, Bill English has confirmed National is likely to veto the Bill, and within the space of 24 hours has claimed the proposal will cost either $150 million, or $500 million.

“That’s desperate stuff. It not only highlights National’s disdain for working parents, but also its fragile majority.

“The fact is most New Zealanders see the merit in this Bill. New Zealand is lagging behind many other OECD countries when it comes to parental leave. The value of having a parent at home with a baby for the first 26 weeks of its life is immeasurable.

“For the sake of our kids, let’s get this Bill to select committee, where we can establish some common ground.

“Trying to shut the debate down shows National is not thinking ahead, and has no real interest in taking New Zealand forward,” Sue Moroney said.