U-turn by Families Commissioner peculiar

Labour Party

Sunday 15 April 2012, 4:40PM

By Labour Party


The Family Commissioner’s latest rush of blood to the head regarding the ‘expense’ of extending paid parental leave is most peculiar given he was advocating for it just a few months ago, Labour leader David Shearer says.

“Two months ago Carl Davidson himself was saying that the ‘Commission has been a consistent advocate for improved paid parental leave and flexible work provisions in New Zealand’.

“Yet he now has the gall to bag a Labour-led proposal to extend paid parental leave, because of the economic climate.

“That is astonishing. Mr Davidson seems to have had no qualms about supporting other taxpayer-funded projects, and is on record as backing National’s $65 million youth mental health initiative announced earlier this month.

“He is also on the record as saying ‘time with parents is enormously important for the safe, healthy development of our children’.

“It is not the Commissioner’s role to tell New Zealanders what the country can afford; it is his jobs to push for the best policies for children and their families and promote debate around that. His role should also be independent, not simply backing the National Party line.

“If Mr Davidson has decided it’s not the Commission’s place to encourage and support positive outcomes for all families, then what is the point of it? Doing away with it would free up quite a tidy sum.

“And that money could go towards giving parents and their young ones more valuable and beneficial time together,” said David Shearer.

“To borrow a quote from Mr Davidson’s predecessor, Jan Pryor, on the benefits of paid parental leave; it’s really a no-brainer.”