Government unwise to shrug off transparency bid

Labour Party

Monday 16 April 2012, 9:10PM

By Labour Party


<p>New Zealanders are demanding increased transparency and ethics in politics and it&rsquo;s up to politicians to take notice, Labour&rsquo;s Open Government spokesperson Clare Curran says.</p> <p>&ldquo;New Zealand has, for years, had a reputation as a country with very little corruption but there is a disturbing and growing pattern of cronyism and political interference appearing in government decision-making.</p> <p>&ldquo;Even perceptions of conflicts of interest and back room deals need to be guarded against, and not just by National, but by all MPs,&rdquo; Clare Curran said.</p> <p>Labour supported Green Party MP Holly Walker&rsquo;s Lobby disclosure private members bill because it introduced more transparency and a code of ethics into lobbying practices in the parliament.</p> <p>&ldquo;Lobbying is a perfectly valid activity, but some lobbyists have more access to politicians than others and are not required to disclose who they lobby or who they are working for.</p> <p>&ldquo;If the National Government doesn&rsquo;t support this bill, it sends a disturbing message that it supports the back room deals and the cronyism that is creeping in to some Ministers&rsquo; behaviour.</p> <p>&ldquo;Labour believes increased transparency in politics is necessary and inevitable. The lobbying bill is a good step and we would like to see the debate widen on other transparency measures.</p> <p>&ldquo;New Zealanders shouldn&rsquo;t have to jump through countless hoops in order to access material they should be entitled to. The excuse of &lsquo;commercial sensitivity&rsquo; or &lsquo;not in the national interest&rsquo; is too often used by this Government to justify withholding information.</p> <p>&ldquo;Politics is about influence. But it should also be about conscience and ethics. It&rsquo;s time we saw a bit more of that in our Parliament,&rdquo; said Clare Curran.</p>