Spending on Infrastructure

Wellington City Council

Tuesday 17 April 2012, 12:27PM

By Wellington City Council



Through the draft Long Term Plan, you will be asked whether we should consider reducing expenditure on asset replacement costs associated with roads, Council buildings, parks, sportsfields and other assets by up to $26 million over 10 years.

Asset renewal expenditure is the money we spend replacing existing assets. You will also be asked if you think any savings should be used to either reduce rates or fund new projects.

We're also planning to review areas where we could reduce spending without having any significant negative effects on our city.

For example, we may be able to spend less on replacing the fittings in libraries and Council buildings but not on our water pipes - we will look to make cuts that likely wouldn't create problems for the community.

For more information and to have your say, see:

Public Input - Draft Long Term Plan 2012/22