Zealandia Proposal
We want your views on a proposal to create a new Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) to manage Zealandia, the Zoo, the Botanic Garden and Otari-Wilton's Bush.
This is the Council's preferred option developed by the Zealandia Working Group, which was set up to address ongoing funding problems at Zealandia. The proposed new CCO (Eco-City) would manage the city's four main ecological assets, while maintaining their distinct identities.
Eco-City would be managed by a set of common trustees and one shared management team. Under the new structure there would be the opportunity for the attractions to share services like IT and work together on marketing.
Consultation on this proposal runs until 18 May. Four options are included in the consultation document and we'd like to hear which you prefer.
For more information and to have your say, see:
Public Input - Eco-City Proposal for Wellington's Natural Attractions