Draft Long-Term Plan – it's not too late to have your say!

Environment Canterbury

Wednesday 18 April 2012, 3:45PM

By Environment Canterbury



Environment Canterbury’s draft Long-Term Plan for 2012-22 is still open for public submissions until April 30.

The draft Long-Term Plan includes the Council’s draft Annual Plan and budget for the coming year, 2012/13.

“In our Long-Term Plan we propose to set the general rate collected from the Canterbury community as a whole in the coming financial year at the same level as it is currently. This means that the total general rates across the region will not increase, though there will be both decreases and increases to individual ratepayers because of changes in property valuations and other factors,” said Commissioner David Bedford. “This is particularly important to us given the additional burdens on the Canterbury community caused by the earthquakes.”

“Another important feature of the Long-Term Plan is that when cost adjustments for inflation are removed, the Council’s annual expenditure decreases by nearly $6 million over the Plan’s 10-year period. With adjustments for projected inflation included, actual annual expenditure will increase from $140 million in 2012/13 to over $180 million in 2021/22, representing annual inflation adjustments of between 3.2% and 3.9%.”

People in the Canterbury region can have their say on any part of the draft Plan. Environment Canterbury would particularly like to hear what Christchurch ratepayers think of our proposal to increase the targeted rate in greater Christchurch to help rebuild the Metro passenger transport system following the Christchurch earthquakes.

The changes proposed for passenger transport mean that the Environment Canterbury Metro rate in Christchurch will increase by about $23 in 2012/13 on an average $400,000 Christchurch property, from $107 currently to $130 annually.

We also propose to increase targeted rates to continue to build the Canterbury Water Management Strategy, which would mean a rise of $5 in targeted rate, from $14 currently to $19 in the coming year, on an average $400,000 Christchurch property.

How to have your say

The Long-Term Plan and accompanying submission form can be downloaded here or a copy or a CD can be sourced via Customer Services on 0800 324 636 . The Long-Term Plan is also available to view at city and district council offices, service centres and main libraries in Canterbury. A summary of the Long-Term Plan, including a submission form, was sent to Canterbury households as part of Environment Canterbury’s Living Here newsletter for April 2012.