Wellingtonians Invited to Help Decide Our City's Future

Wellington City Council

Thursday 19 April 2012, 12:19PM

By Wellington City Council



Wellingtonians can now have their say on the city's budget and activities for the next 10 years with the release of the council's draft Long-Term Plan for 2012-22.

Mayor Celia Wade-Brown says the Long-Term Plan consultation is the most important opportunity people will have over the next three years to have their say on our city's future. 

"We want people to make a submission and be part of planning our future," she says.
Mayor Wade-Brown says that the Council is taking a frugal approach by aiming to keep rates and fees affordable while continuing to invest in the city.

The Council has agreed its direction with its Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital strategy. The draft Long-Term Plan focuses on investing in the city's economy, ensuring the vibrancy and character of the CBD, supporting our diverse communities and caring for the natural environment.

Earthquake strengthening work on buildings, roads and the water network, and also providing financial assistance to fix leaky homes are also significant costs over the next decade.

The plan includes a proposed average rates increase of 4.1 percent.  For residential ratepayers, the average increase is 3.7 percent. Consultation will also be undertaken on reducing asset renewal expenditure to make further savings. 

The draft plan sets out a proposed Financial Strategy, which includes rates targets and debt limits for future years. 

The Council is also seeking comments from the public on options for a new governance structure for Zealandia, Wellington zoo, the Botanic Garden and Otari-Wilton's Bush.

Consultation closes on 18 May.  As part of the consultation, three sessions will be offered on 3,10 and 17 May (from 7.00 - 9.00pm) where people can call the Council on (04) 499 4444 to speak with the Mayor or a Councillor about the draft plan.  Presentations on the draft plan to groups can also be arranged on request.

For proposal documents, and the online and printable submission form see:

Draft Long Term Plan 2012-22

The draft Long-Term Plan, a summary document and submission forms are also available from Council libraries, the City Service Centre and on request by phoning (04) 499 4444      .

You can also email your submission to