Govt's welfare reforms leading to successful schemes being cut

Green Party

Tuesday 24 April 2012, 2:01PM

By Green Party


The Government's plans to change the way welfare is delivered are resulting in successful schemes being axed, Green Party welfare spokesperson Jan Logie said today

The Ministry of Social Development has advised the Mayor of Otorohanga that there were not enough unemployed young people in Otorohanga to allow the district to qualify for Government support.

"Young people are being treated as guinea pigs in the Government's shake up of welfare," said Ms Logie.

"The Government's ideologically driven focus for welfare in moving towards the youth transitions scheme is leading to successful schemes that have worked well being cut.

"Successful youth focussed schemes such as the ones in Otorohanga and Southland's work it out, that are proven to work well, should be supported and replicated.

"Instead these community based schemes are being cut to allow the Ministry of Social development to begin funding private providers."