Speak Up On The Council's Long Term Plan For Marlborough

Thursday 26 April 2012, 2:41PM

By Marlborough District Council



Residents and ratepayers have a chance to speak directly to councillors considering one of the Council’s most important planning documents, the draft Long Term Plan.

The Long Term Plan explains the Council’s programme of activities for the next decade. It gives a detailed plan of how the Council will spend its money in the next three years and projected spending for the seven years after that.

The plan summary has already come to you inside the Marlborough Midweek newspaper. If you missed it, you can find the summary, and the whole draft Plan, on the Council’s website

Submissions may be made in writing, directly to the Council or online through the Council website.

Anyone making a submission may also ask to be heard in person on 30 and 31 May. This gives councillors an opportunity to ask you questions about the points you make.

Tips when speaking in support of your submission:

  • Focus on the points that are most important. Make it clear which parts of the application you are referring to (if possible, refer to the relevant section or part).
  • Be specific. Submissions should be relevant to the points being addressed.
  • Suggest alternatives to the proposed approach, giving reasons why the alternatives are more appropriate.


Remember, a submission can support or object (or a mixture of both) to parts of the proposed plan.

Please note that all submissions, including your personal information, will be available to the public and media as part of the Council decision-making process.