Government crashes books further

Green Party

Thursday 26 April 2012, 5:03PM

By Green Party


The National Government's plan to cut vital public services while leaving poor tax and spending decisions unchanged is the wrong response to the latest downgrade in the fiscal outlook, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.

The Government has released early budget figures showing that there will be a billion dollar shortfall in the Crown's operating balance compared to the Budget Policy Statement just two months ago.

"Once again, the National Government has failed to deliver on its economic promises", said Dr Norman.

"This is a damning indictment on National's economic management but all they see is an excuse to make further cuts to vital public services, which will not fix the problem.

"Poor Government decisions are to blame for the poor performance of the economy and the continual downward revisions of the Crown accounts.

"National is borrowing over a billion dollars a year for its 2010 tax changes, which have had no positive effect on the economy.

"The Green Party has set out a clear alternative plan to get the government's books back into surplus through a mix of reprioritised spending and new revenue streams.

"We can manage the government's books in a fiscally responsible way without having to sell valuable assets or raise debt.

"Clearly, National is trying to get the bad news out of the way before the Budget but, for Kiwis still waiting for Mr Key's much-promised 'brighter future', it will mean more service cuts, more job cuts, and a failing economy," Dr Norman said.

The Green Party's alternative plan for our economy: