Time for progress on vets' allowances

Labour Party

Saturday 28 April 2012, 3:56AM

By Labour Party


Another ANZAC Day is set to pass as the Government continues to procrastinate over recommended changes to the way veterans are recompensed for service to their country, Labour’s Veterans’ Affairs spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.

“The Government has had more than enough time to consider much needed changes to the War Pensions Act 1954, as recommended by the Law Commission nearly two years ago.

“Every day the Government postpones making a decision is another day of unjustified discrimination against our veterans. People who have served their country in the most dangerous and difficult circumstances deserve far better,” Iain Lees-Galloway said.

Aware that the current Act was out-of-date and not serving New Zealand veterans properly, Labour asked the Law Commission to undertake a comprehensive review of veterans’ pensions and allowances. After extensive consultation, the Law Commission reported back on 1 June 2010 with its report 'A New Support Scheme for Veterans: A Report on the Review of the War Pensions Act 1954'.

The report recommends introducing new legislation to replace the War Pensions Act. Amongst many suggested changes is the establishment of two separate schemes for veterans who served before and after 1 April 1974 – the date ACC was introduced – and increased income compensation entitlement for working aged veterans who are prevented from working because of their service-related impairment.

“National made a promise to veterans that it would implement the Law Commission’s recommendations.

“Yes, it is a complicated process and most people were happy to give the Government 12 months to sort it out, but it has been sitting on its hands for too long now,” said Iain Lees-Galloway.

“Australia, the UK and Canada have all made similar changes. There is no excuse for New Zealand not to do the same.”