Dead dolphin must spur government action

Labour Party

Monday 30 April 2012, 11:00PM

By Labour Party


The possible death of yet another Maui’s dolphin must spur the government to act immediately to save the critically endangered species, says Labour’s acting Conservation spokesperson Grant Robertson.

Emotions are running high in the conservation community as Massey University investigates whether a dolphin, found dead, is another Maui’s dolphin. If so, it leaves just 54 in existence.

“New Zealanders have a strong affinity for these dolphins, and a reputation for protecting endangered species,” Grant Robertson said

"The government and fisheries sector can’t continue to prevaricate. It’s too important - we are talking about the impending extinction of an entire species.

“Interim measures to protect the dolphins are not due to come into effect until next month. That’s too late for those who have fought for the species survival for years.

“Extensions to set net bans on the West Coast and a marine mammal sanctuary at this late stage won’t guarantee the dolphins’ survival.

“The campaign to save the Maui’s dolphin and extend protection for the hector’s dolphin has gone viral online. New Zealanders and the international community care about this, and their eyes are on the government,” Grant Robertson said.