HELP - Amazes van - heist victims in Christchurch.

Tuesday 1 May 2012, 11:55AM




Two French tourists who had their van and all their belongings stolen are "amazed by the people of Christchurch".

About 20 people and businesses contacted The Press yesterday offering accommodation, free trips, jobs and cars.

Sophie Mutter, 25, and Claire Curati, 27, were on their way to the Tradestaff building in Moorhouse Ave when their van was stolen on Friday afternoon.

The pair have been travelling around the country since last year's Rugby World Cup. They helped with the cleanup from the Rena oil spill in the Bay of Plenty from November to February.

They arrived in Christchurch last week.

Their van was recovered but their cameras, laptops, clothes, souvenirs, jewellery, photos, toiletries and sleeping bags were stolen.

Tradestaff managing director Kevin Eder yesterday donated $750 to each woman.

The recruitment firm's general manager, Janice McNab, said the pair had worked for the company in Tauranga.

"We have found work for them and we're also giving them some money so they can buy some of the things that they lost," she said.

Able Hire has given the pair a car to use until they fly to Australia next week.

Nick Reekie, of, offered the pair free trips to Akaroa and a jet-boat ride at Hanmer Springs.

An Adelaide couple emailed to say the girls were welcome to stay with them if they visited South Australia.

Christchurch mother Leonie Thompson was among the people who offered their houses to the women.

"I was really upset when I read this story ... I was backpacking around France in 1991 and all of my stuff was stolen, so I totally understand how they feel," she said.

Mutter said she and Curati "were so so happy" with the offers of help."It's been amazing to see how generous the people in this city are and we'll be leaving Christchurch with the best kind of souvenir from New Zealand," she said.