Workers central to health and safety

Labour Party

Thursday 3 May 2012, 12:30PM

By Labour Party


Until the Government recognises the need for a cultural shift to support change, claims it is improving workplace health and safety will ring hollow, says Labour’s spokesperson for Labour Issues Darien Fenton.

“Supporting a workplace culture where employees are free to speak out and be properly represented is the first step to improving our awful health and safety toll,” Darien Fenton said.

“While the Government’s announcement today (May 2) to review workplace health and safety and boost the Health and Safety Inspectorate is welcome, it will be meaningless without this solid foundation.

“Labour will fully back the review, but the government’s actions in other areas of workplace culture and rights could undermine any good work that is done,” Darien Fenton said.

“The National Government has never accepted that it is unrealistic to expect a young worker - now on a 90 day trial period - to speak up about health and safety risks, when they stand to be fired with no reason given and no redress.

“There’s no doubt that our health and safety system needs a serious overhaul. That is why Labour proposed a Commission of Inquiry before the last election.

"The huge number of workplace deaths and injuries in New Zealand is a national shame.

“While it’s good to see Labour Minister Kate Wilkinson acknowledge the system is broken she needs to realise that fixing it will not only cost money but will take a totally different approach to employment relations that her government seems determined not to pursue,” Darien Fenton said.