Expensive PR won't convince Kiwis on asset sales

Green Party

Thursday 3 May 2012, 5:34PM

By Green Party


New Zealanders should be told how much the National Government is spending on PR - such as the website it launched today - to promote asset sales, which Kiwis overwhelmingly oppose, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.

The Government has refused to answer Green Party questions on the cost of its PR contract with Senate Communications to promote asset sales but has admitted that it will spend around $120m on external contractors in the asset sales programme. [see QWA 1733 (2012]

"The Government is shelling out millions of dollars to promote asset sales that New Zealanders don't want to happen" said Dr Norman.

"We should be told precisely how much this propaganda is costing us.

"The hikoi up and down the country and the passionate submissions to the select committee prove New Zealanders' deep-seated opposition to selling our assets.

"The Government should listen to the public rather than continue with its ideologically-driven agenda, which will put a $100m a year hole in the Crown's books according to the Government's own numbers."

The Keep Our Assets petition for a referendum on the Government's asset sales programme was approved by the Clerk of the House last Friday and will be officially launched in Wellington on May 8. The spending limit for the petition campaign is $50,000.

"I encourage all New Zealanders to sign the Keep Our Assets petition. It is not too late to make our voices heard" said Dr Norman.

Additional information:
Russel Norman's written question to Bill English on the cost of asset sales PR