Job figures cold comfort, not brighter future

Labour Party

Friday 4 May 2012, 2:36PM

By Labour Party


The National  government might want to change it’s ‘brighter future’ slogan to one that better reflects reality as the number of people out of work hits a near two-year high and women face unemployment in numbers not seen since 1998, Labour’s Employment spokesperson Su’a William Sio says.

“Today’s jobless figures are a travesty. If New Zealanders wanted bad news, then they certainly got some today.

“Not only is the unemployment rate now 6.7 per cent, considerably up on Treasury’s prediction of 5.7 per cent, there are now 87,000 young people between the ages of 15 and 24 not in education, work or training.

“That’s an increase of 22,500 since National took office. It’s an appalling waste of talent and an absolute disgrace given the Prime Minister repeatedly makes references to job creation as being a top priority.

“His brighter future is looking more like a long, cold and unproductive winter,” Su’a William Sio said.

“Worryingly, the rates for Maori and Pacifika are still way too high, while the huge jump in the number of women who have either lost jobs or can’t find work will be a bitter pill for many families struggling to keep up with rising costs.

“We read about places like Spain and the UK and the growing problems they are having with their disaffected youth. New Zealand is not immune to what is going on overseas, yet the government appears not to want to know.

“What it needs to know is that it is taking this country down the wrong economic pathway. Its focus has got to be on boosting training, expanding innovative industry schemes, and providing active economic management,” said Su’a William Sio.