Repair work on the Balclutha Bridge

Thursday 10 May 2012, 1:13PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


The NZ Transport Agency is warning road users to expect some delays while repair work is carried out next week on the iconic State Highway (SH1) Balclutha Bridge.

From 6pm on Wednesday 16 May 2012 until 6am on Thursday 17 May 2012 the bridge will be reduced to one lane while this work is undertaken.

NZ Transport Agency, Acting State Highway Manager, Otago/Southland Ian Duncan says repairs will be made to the left hand side guardrail to fix minor damage, some of which has been caused by vehicle scrapes. The repaired areas will require priming of the exposed reinforcing before being filled with a high quality non-shrink mortar.

“We expect to finish the work by 6am on Thursday 17 May but Thursday night, has been set aside to finish the job off if required. Because the contractor will have staff working on the traffic side of the barrier, traffic control measures are necessary to ensure their safety.”

Mr Duncan says although the work is being carried at night to reduce the impact on bridge users, delays are still possible, although ever effort will be made to keep these to a minimum. Mobile variable message signs will put in place on either side of the bridge to let motorist’s know about this work in advance of it starting.

A help line has been set up to handle any queries about this work. The number is 0800 805 263.