Positive Ageing - Working With Council

Thursday 10 May 2012, 1:38PM

By Marlborough District Council



The Marlborough District Council provides communication channels for discussing issues with older members of our community.

  • The Older Persons Forum meets each month at the Council Chambers. Representatives from groups that provide services for the elderly attend this meeting. The forum provides a communication channel between Council and the community and a way of addressing any issues that relate to the well-being of the elderly in our community.
  • The Access & Mobility Forum meets quarterly with representatives of groups working in the disability sector, including consumers. This forum helps Council with feedback and advice on matters such as access for mobility scooters, walking tracks on Council reserves, design and accessibility of public toilets, footpaths and pathways.
  • Council meetings, including committee meetings, are public meetings and any member of the public is entitled to attend. The meeting schedule is on Council’s website section, or contact Council or a councillor directly.


Councillor Jenny Andrews takes a particular interest in matters relating to older residents. Contact Council for more information, Ph: 03 520 7400.