Boost our biosecurity staff, don't boot them

Green Party

Friday 11 May 2012, 8:51AM

By Green Party



The trapping of a Queensland fruit fly today shows that once again our primary industries are at threat because of biosecurity leaks, the Green Party said today.

“Cuts to border security are going to increase our costs, not save money,” said Green Party biosecurity and customs spokesperson Steffan Browning.

Official papers reveal the Government intends cuts to our border security system, added Mr Browning.

“MAFs own estimates are that the combined cost of PSA, Varroa mite and tomato/potato psyllid damage will be $500 million. Add to that the costs of an infection from the Queensland fruit fly or Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) and our producers are in real trouble.

“This fruit fly capture shows how important monitoring is and how good our biosecurity staff are, but it also highlights that we need to work very hard to secure our boarders.

“Reducing front line border control staff is a dangerous move.

"Our clean green brand is worth billions to the New Zealand economy – we need to be protecting it.

"The Government should be working to enhance the perception of New Zealand as a disease-free producer of quality products, not undermine our brand by relaxing safety standards."