Oz: The light at the end of the tunnel

Labour Party

Monday 14 May 2012, 4:13PM

By Labour Party


Massive numbers of Kiwi job-seekers turning up at a weekend expo is further proof New Zealanders see better prospects for their future across the ditch, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

“More than 6000 Kiwis were attracted by the light at the end of the tunnel; unfortunately they see it in Australia, not here.

“This again highlights the Government’s utter failure to grow the economy and create jobs.

“John Key’s job summit over promised and under delivered. We’ve had tax cuts for top earners, paid for by ordinary New Zealanders, and a record number of our young people have been consigned to the unemployment scrapheap.

“Adding insult to injury, we have the Finance Minister offering the country up as the Pacific’s low-wage destination of choice and the Prime Minister offering legislation for sale and our assets to foreign buyers.

“If that’s the Government’s growth policy, we’re on a road to nowhere,” David Shearer said.

“Meanwhile Australia is balancing its books as well as investing in its people. Its Budget took aim at growing inequity. Bill English’s zero Budget looks set to have zero benefit for struggling New Zealanders.

“His Budget should be about creating opportunities that will keep Kiwis here.

“The Australian Government is investing in innovative industry to spread the benefits of its economic boom. Meanwhile, our Government’s brightest idea is a dodgy deal with a gambling giant where the benefits flow offshore.

“That’s why I’m committed to economic leadership that invests in education, science and technology and grows our skills base. Rather than continued retrenchment,” David Shearer said.