Hiked prescription costs will hurt families

Labour Party

Tuesday 15 May 2012, 5:44PM

By Labour Party


The Government’s decision to hike prescription costs will hurt the most vulnerable members of our communities and put families with children, elderly and sick people at risk, says Labour's Pacific Island spokesperson Su’a William Sio.

“The Government seems to be forgetting the basic principle on which it was elected - to make policy which serves the majority of New Zealanders, including our most vulnerable.

“If a Government can be judged on how it supports its most vulnerable, this Government would fail,” Su’a William Sio said today.

“Ordinary families are now feeling squeezed from all sides – too many can’t find work, wages are stagnant or falling and there is a lack of affordable, quality housing.

“Now the Government is making it harder for sick people to get much needed medicines.

“A dollar in a low income family is worth much, much more than a dollar in a wealthy family.

“Low and middle income families don’t need more excuses to put off going to the doctor. The Government’s focus is wrong and bad for New Zealand as a whole.

“We should be putting people and the prevention of illness ahead of patch up jobs, where those most in need miss out,” Su’a William Sio said.