Dress-ups for grown-ups at Tupare

Taranaki Regional Council

Wednesday 16 May 2012, 12:08PM

By Taranaki Regional Council



Can’t afford a winter holiday? Try partaking of High Tea at Tupare for an afternoon of escapism, pretending you’re in another place, another era and another social strata.

For the fourth year, a series of Sunday afternoon High Teas is being held at Tupare’s Chapman-Taylor house, with participants encouraged to dress up and “put on the Ritz” for  a couple of hours.

And the property’s founder, businessman and fervent royalist Sir Russell Matthews, would heartily approve. So says Greg Rine, Regional Gardens Manager for the Taranaki Regional Council which owns and administers the heritage property.

“Sir Russell and his family respected tradition but also hosted lively social occasions and knew how to have fun,” says Mr Rine. “Seven decades on, we’re encouraging people to bring their family and friends along to do likewise.”

The High Teas take place from 2pm to 4pm on the first Sunday of June, July, August, September and October, and proceeds from the $15-a-head entry fee go to Mangorei School PTA, which caters the events. Participants can round the afternoon off with a guided tour of the home.

The essential details

High Teas will be held at Tupare from 2pm to 4pm on:

Sunday 3 June
Sunday 1 July
Sunday 5 August
Sunday 2 September
Sunday 7 October

Bookings and pre-payment are essential and can be made at the Raised Eyebrow Art and Coffee House, 501 Mangorei Road (opp. Mangorei School), phone 759 8955.

As well as Tupare, the Taranaki Regional Council owns and administers Pukeiti and Hollard Gardens on behalf of the people of the region. For more information, see, and Social media users can also follow the Regional Gardens on Facebook (TaranakiRegionalGardens)and Twitter (@TaranakiRG).