Govt needs to reveal performance pay model

Green Party

Thursday 17 May 2012, 2:47PM

By Green Party


The Government needs to reveal what model of performance pay they intend to use for teachers, Green Party education spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.

Performance pay for teachers will be brought in by the Government after a pre-budget education announcement from Education Minister Hekia Parata.

"International evidence strongly suggests that performance based pay doesn't help struggling students achieve better results," said Ms Delahunty.

“Teachers need professional support not a system that pits them against each other based on flawed logic and bad data,” said Ms Delahunty.
"Given New Zealand's own national standards data is an unreliable guide to the quality of a teacher Ms Parata needs to clarify just how the Government intends to implement this policy.

"For example does she intend to use teacher league tables as a basis performance pay?

"Teachers need professional support not a system that pits them against each other based on flawed logic and bad data," said Ms Delahunty.

"The Government's moves towards performance pay and larger class sizes will have a negative impact on our public education system."

Note: Links to background documents on flaws with performance pay and increasing class sizes: