Workshops for Linwood Village and Selwyn Street Shops Draft Master Plans

Christchurch City Council

Thursday 17 May 2012, 5:03PM

By Christchurch City Council



Workshops for submitters to the Draft Master Plans for the recovery and rebuilding of Linwood Village and Selwyn Street Shops will be held to address specific aspects of the plans.

Christchurch City Council supports community board recommendations that while hearings will not be necessary they would like to see Council staff hold a workshop for submitters to each master plan, to consider and develop the feedback provided to date.

Programme Manager, Healthy Environment Jenny Ridgen says workshops will help give the submitters more clarity around the development of options and actions in the Draft Master Plans and see how their initial ideas and suggestions have informed these plans.

“Overall, the Draft Linwood Village Master Plan received a high level of community support. However, options and actions developed around Street Scene: providing quality pedestrian environment with ‘meet and greet’ spaces and slowed traffic, attracted quite a few submissions. The main focus of submissions is around the potential narrowing of traffic lanes and lack of provision for cyclists.

“This workshop will enable people who provided specific feedback to discuss issues in more depth. We are keen for these people to have further input into a potential revised scheme.

“The Draft Selwyn Street Shops Master Plan also received a high level of community support. The workshop will give people who submitted on the plan an opportunity to discuss particular aspects of the plan and the rationale behind the development of projects,” she says.

Feedback from the workshops will help Council staff make amendments to the Linwood Village and Selwyn Street Shops Draft Master Plans in line with other public submissions and staff suggestions. This will allow a swift turn around for getting these master plans back before the Council for final sign-off.

Mayor Bob Parker says he is pleased that aspects of the plans that attracted public feedback will be looked at with the people who made the submissions.

“It is important that the Council works with the community to discuss their feedback, explain how their ideas and concerns were translated into actions and outcomes in the master plans.

"This will give people assurance that we have heard their feedback and have used this to develop viable options that will work for the community,” he says.