Government welcomes new fresh water report
Primary Industries Minister David Carter and Environment Minister Amy Adams are welcoming further progress in New Zealand’s fresh water management with the release today of the Land and Water Forum’s second report.
The report on fresh water governance and setting limits continues the work on water reform initiated by the Government in 2009 and builds on the Forum’s first report released in 2010.
“This second report will help establish clearer national direction on how councils set objectives and limits for fresh water quality and quantity, in line with the National Policy Statement introduced by the Government last year,” Mr Carter says.
“The Forum’s report also considers how communities can have more say on setting those objectives through the greater use of collaborative processes.”
Ms Adams says the Forum has made excellent progress in finding agreement on some of the complex issues around fresh water management.
“We thank the Forum for its work so far. We are impressed with the way the members, who represent very diverse interests, have worked together to tackle often highly contentious issues,” she says.
“There is plenty to consider in this report, including how the recommendations could be progressed within the wider work the Government is doing to reform the resource management system.”
Mr Carter and Ms Adams say they will now carefully consider the report, and also look forward to receiving the Land and Water Forum’s third report later in the year.
“The Government will then be in a position to develop durable policies on fresh water management, based on the complete package of recommendations,” the Ministers say.
The Land and Water Forum Report can be viewed at