Report shows Govt agencies neglected workers safety at Mapua

Green Party

Sunday 20 May 2012, 4:11AM

By Green Party


The Government must support workers who have suffered health problems from cleaning up the toxic site at Mapua, Green Party toxics spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.

A Department of Labour report written by Dr David McBride about the Mapua toxic site clean-up is highly critical of the lack of care shown by the Ministry for the Environment for worker's health and safety needs. The Green Party understands that earlier copies of the report also stressed these workers should be given more support than the final copy recommended.

"Workers on the Mapua site have been let down by the people that should have been looking out for their health and safety," said Ms Delahunty

"The Ministry for the Environment has failed as the lead agency responsible for the Mapua clean-up to make sure basic health and safety standards were met.

"The fact that some of Dr McBride's recommendations have been watered down by the Department of Labour shows Government departments are more concerned with covering up their own negligence than helping out the affected workers.

"This was one of the most toxic sites in New Zealand and the lack of oversight from the Ministry for the Environment shows they have been negligent.

"As well as the four workers whose health this report focuses on there are up to 20 others who health has been compromised by this botched clean up. Chemical poisoning can take 10-20 years to show up and monitoring is essential.

"It is time to take their health concerns seriously. The Government has done the reports now it is time to take action," said Ms Delahunty.

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