Increasing Health e-Lifestyle Choices For All Kiwis

Tuesday 22 May 2012, 10:57AM

By The Wellness Directory Ltd


Ask An (NZ) Health Expert
Ask An (NZ) Health Expert Credit: The Wellness Directory Ltd

New Zealand's 1st major 'Ask The Expert' health web feature launched itself to the public, in February 2012, to assist Kiwis with their most pressing health concerns and aspirations. The interactive service aims to help bridge the gap between our existing knowledge of the body, mind and spirit.
Likewise, such web technology allows us to gain greater insights into complementary medicine as well as benefit from the skills and experience of local NZ health practitioners.

The need for self-improvement and understanding the relationship between our physical, spiritual and emotional health has significantly grown since the web and its perpetual content came to our fingertips. However, since the advent of social media, our need to be heard and to interact with other web users has become a vital requirement in everyday web browsing.

As human beings, survival is our predatory instinct and we would generally rather avoid pain or discomfort than embrace quality health and wellbeing. One only needs to consider everyday associations of the word 'health' to realize the ambulance is often perceived at the bottom of the cliff as opposed to the top. Related statistics of ailments like depression, obesity, anger management or stress are banded around so much we start to believe this is the acceptable way of being. The relentless recession talk justifies the existence of these conditions further. Average lifestyle and poor health is surely the best we can hope for? Well, no actually!

Many of us are waking up to the importance of physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The modern web provides us with choices and, more importantly, an opportunity to make more informed and healthier decisions than ever before. For example, the 'Ask The Expert' feature educates us, our children, family and friends to implement wiser health decisions in the long-term.  Consequently, web and social networking has a much more important role to play in our lives and society than the majority of us currently realise.

Crucially, it has unlimited potential in empowering our lives and helping us to help others in the near future. Moreover, successful experiences of complementary therapies, from an emotional, mental and physical overview, can easily be shared to embrace the health options and lifestyle of friends and relatives.   

The Wellness Directory ( was founded in 2009 to provide the NZ public with a wide choice of qualified natural health practitioners. In addition to the recent ‘Ask The Expert’ feature, the site offers a range of natural therapies, articles, events and offers for the health conscious consumer.

Visit the site and receive the free ebook ‘101 Holistic Health Tips’ to gain further perspective on the various benefits of complementary medicine.


For media purposes only: 
Please contact us here should you like to select and experience a FREE treatment from the 90 natural therapies available within the site and/or to schedule an interview.