New industrial guidelines released
The Department of Labour and the Industrial Rope Access Association of New Zealand (IRAANZ) have today released new Best Practice Guidelines for industry rope access in New Zealand.
The Guidelines have been developed to provide advice to employers, operators and clients on the health and safety requirements for rope access work projects.
In the past year there have been three incidents where industry rope access employees have fallen from height and it is an industry that is growing quickly across New Zealand.
Department of Labour General Manager National Services & Support Brett Murray says that the industry and the Department are committed to ensuring that high health and safety standards are maintained.
“By its very nature any work that involves rope access carries a level of risk with it, and it is essential that the correct design and installation procedures are carried out where rope access is required,” says Mr Murray.
“It’s critical that anchor bolts have their integrity regularly tested and correct methods are being utilised when rope access is required. Everyone working in the industry needs to understand the dangers and these new guidelines provide the advice they need to operate safely.”
IRAANZ President David Karam says that the recommendations outlined in the Guidelines will give both rope access operators and building owners/managers a common understanding of what standard of practice is acceptable within the rope access industry.
“This document will set a benchmark for rope access operations and promote a safer and more professional service throughout New Zealand,” Mr Karam says.
Note to journalist: The guidelines can be found on the Department of Labour’s Website.