Immunisation target in sight

Tony Ryall

Tuesday 22 May 2012, 4:45PM

By Tony Ryall


The latest quarterly results for the Government’s immunisation health target shows five district health boards, Wairarapa, Hawke’s Bay, MidCentral, Lakes and Southern, have reached the 95 per cent result.

“Nationally we have achieved 92 per cent coverage which is a great improvement from 2007 when only 67 per cent of two year olds were immunised on time,” says Health Minister Tony Ryall.

“We are very close to achieving the target nationally – only 367 extra children who are about to turn two need to be immunised before 30 June to bring the national coverage up to 95 per cent.

“All eyes in the health service are on encouraging these children to be immunised. Each district health board has a list of the children who are not fully immunised in their area and they are working hard with primary care colleagues to reach the parents of these children.

“High immunisation coverage is important to protect not only the health of individual children, but also to protect the community from the spread of disease, such as measles and whooping cough.

“West Coast DHB had the largest increase this quarter, increasing their coverage by six per cent from 79 per cent last quarter to 84 per cent.

“There's virtually no gap between ethnic groups, in fact Pacific and Asian groups recorded the highest total coverage rates at 96 per cent. Several district health boards, Hawke’s Bay, Lakes, Northland, Tairawhiti and Wairarapa, have achieved 100 per cent coverage for Pacific children.

“From July, our focus moves to making sure babies are immunised on time, with a new preventative health target that will see 95 per cent of eight-month-olds fully immunised by December 2014.