FCV regulations must secure jobs for Kiwis

Labour Party

Thursday 24 May 2012, 10:51AM

By Labour Party


The Government’s decision to ban foreign-flagged fishing vessels in New Zealand waters promises to draw to a close a shameful period of worker exploitation, Labour’s spokesperson for Labour Issues Dairen Fenton said today.

“But, today’s announcement only addresses half of the problem. It does nothing to secure much-needed jobs for Kiwi workers.

“While it is critical to address the appalling human rights abuses, safety concerns and issues around the illegal dumping of fish on these Foreign Charter Vessels, the announcement stops short of securing opportunities for Kiwi workers,” Darien Fenton said.

“While these changes mean foreign vessels will need to be registered as New Zealand vessels – and abide by our much higher fisheries and labour standards-  they will still be able to use entirely foreign crew, which would continue to see New Zealand workers shut out.

“Labour’s policy in this respect has been clear. We would encourage maximum participation by New Zealanders in our fisheries and seafood processing, moving towards a minimum of 50 per cent New Zealand crew on any vessel fishing within New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

“This afternoon I will also seek assurances that the suggested four year transition period is really necessary.

“The Government has been dragging its heels on this issue for too long. Now it has been spurred into action we need to make sure all of the issues are adequately addressed,” Darien Fenton said.