Community voice needed on living wage

Labour Party

Thursday 24 May 2012, 10:57AM

By Labour Party


Mangere MP and Labour’s Employment and Pacific Island Affairs spokesperson, Su’a William Sio is encouraging the Pasifika and local communities to become involved in the “Living Wage” campaign.

“A ‘living wage’ is an idea that has been gaining a lot of traction in the UK, where it now has cross-party supports and some major employers signing up to it.

“Its aim is to ensure all workers are paid enough to support their families and have a decent standard of living.

“Given that it is our communities who are struggling the most to make ends meet -families that despite working full-time are barely able to put food on the table, workers who are looking for work, or more hours but can’t find jobs - it is only right that we should be leading the debate on this,” Su’a William Sio said.

“The discussion becomes even more important with the Government’s zero-Budget likely to hit those on low wages and young people the hardest.

“Inequality is not okay. There is now a huge gap between New Zealand wages and those paid in comparable countries and the very real problems that is creating can no longer be ignored,” Su’a William Sio said.

He urged people to be part of the discussion at a meeting being held from 9am-noon at Nga Tapuwae Hall, 253 Buckland Road, Mangere on Monday 28 May.