Fonterra still holding back TAF details

Labour Party

Thursday 24 May 2012, 11:01AM

By Labour Party


Dairy farmers will need more than a press statement from Fonterra to reassure them that TAF protects their long-term interests, says Labour’s spokesperson for Agriculture, Damien O’Connor.

“Farmers are eagerly awaiting the detail on TAF and how the interface between trading shares among farmers and trading units with outside investors can be created without undermining their long-term interests,” said Damien O’Connor.

“The payments for milk to supplying shareholders is the most important thing for dairy farmers and if the interests of outside investors come between the company and the farmers, it is likely farmers will not support the scheme when they vote on June 25.

“Fonterra needs to urgently distribute all the information possible to farmers and analysts who can provide informed advice on the detail of TAF,” Damien O’Connor said.