Labour Leader notes court finding on Bill Liu

Labour Party

Friday 25 May 2012, 4:07AM

By Labour Party


Labour Leader David Shearer has today noted the High Court decision in the case concerning Bill Liu.

“There were questions raised during the court hearing about the decision-making process involved in the granting of citizenship to Bill Liu. Shane Jones assured me that he had followed the correct and proper process when handling this case as a former Minister in 2008. I accepted his assurance.

“The reasons we have asked the Auditor-General to investigate the case still stand. Shane Jones must be given the opportunity to clear his name given the apparent differences in evidence given during the court case and Shane’s recollection of events.

“New Zealand is highly regarded as being a country with open and transparent government. We must protect that reputation and reassure New Zealanders that ministerial and departmental processes are sound,” said David Shearer.