Budget attacks specialist teaching

Green Party

Sunday 27 May 2012, 5:20PM

By Green Party


The Green Party is calling on the Government to rethink the cuts to education announced in the Budget before we lose technology teaching from intermediate and primary schools.

"Many concerned principals and parents have been contacting us as they realise the implications of the staff cuts for the teaching of technology subjects," said Green Party education spokesperson Catherine Delahunty.

"The reality for some schools is that they will have to cut staff and the specialist technology teaching in intermediates are the first casualty. It appears from the Budget that all Year 7 technology staff will be cut.

"The Minister claims that schools can make their own choices but there is no choice when one whole group of staff have been cut."

In addition, schools are being required to narrow their focus to meet the National Standards.

"The effect of these combined policies will be a loss of skilled teachers in primary and intermediate schools who have inspired children to learn through technology. No doubt there will be more casualties in teaching of the arts.

"This is extremely disappointing given that many primary and intermediate schools are working hard to engage children's learning via a broad curriculum and diverse approaches.

"The cuts will hurt children for whom technology is the gateway to their higher education and it will take years to undo this damage once the Government realises that increasing class sizes and cutting specialist teachers fails to help the range of students succeed in education.

"It's time to listen to parents and teachers and have a moratorium on failed ideas. Treasury may be advocating to cut these staff but the students will be the ones who will pay for the Government listening to the wrong people," Ms Delahunty said.