Time to value; not to tinker

Labour Party

Monday 28 May 2012, 11:43AM

By Labour Party


A Human Rights Commission inquiry which once again highlights the crisis aged care is in is the latest in a long series of wake up calls to the Government, Labour’s Aged care spokesman Kris Faafoi says.

“The Government can no longer ignore what is going on in aged care, a sector which cares for some of the most vulnerable New Zealanders.

At the time when the Budget provided nothing for but tinkering, we have the Commission urging the Prime Minister to step in and show some real leadership.

“The need for a system of quality assurance across the industry, pay parity and staff training are all major issues that were highlighted in the Labour initiated aged-care inquiry released in October 2010.

“Almost two years on and the Human Rights Commission’s report  reveals little has changed.

“The Government can no longer turn a blind eye to it. It has to get on with the job that needs to be done to ensure older Kiwis can be cared for and live their lives with dignity,” Kris Faafoi said.

“That will require all political parties, the aged-care sector and all New Zealanders to work together towards a fair, affordable and compassionate way of looking after our older family members.

“It’s time for the tinkering to end. What we saw in Parliament this week with the passing of legislation to adjust the residential care asset threshold formula fell well short of the leadership needed.

“Our aged care workforce and industry is being stretched to the limit.  Dr Judy McGregor found that out first hand in her inquiry.

“We too often hear horror stories of how our elderly are being treated or neglected and of how those who care for them are being treated.

“It’s time for an across the board approach towards an aged care strategy for New Zealand. In fact, it’s well overdue,” said Kris Faafoi.