Groser visits Turkey and Moscow to strengthen trade relationships

Monday 28 May 2012, 11:54PM

By Tim Groser


Trade Minister Tim Groser will travel to Turkey to participate in the two countries’ annual Joint Economic Commission meeting on 28-29 May. He will then travel to Russia for trade related meetings.

The Joint Economic Commission meeting provides a forum for Ministers and senior officials to discuss key trade and trade access issues.

“New Zealand and Turkey share strong historic bonds, and the two countries have been working closely to build from these ties a deep and dynamic trade relationship,” says Mr Groser.

The Joint Economic Commission will look at steps that can be taken to stimulate business links and expand the level of trade between the two countries. The Commission has identified a range of niche areas in which the countries can enhance cooperation, including in specialised manufacturing, earthquake engineering, education, defence industry and healthcare.

Mr Groser will meet with a range of business leaders during his visit, including a series of business calls in Instanbul.

“Turkey boasts one of the world’s fastest growing economies, and there are opportunities for innovative New Zealand companies within this vibrant market,” says Mr Groser.

From Turkey, Mr Groser will travel to Moscow to meet members of the new Russian Administration and to discuss progress in our free trade negotiations with his counterparts.

He will also be joined by the Minister for Primary Industries, David Carter, and a group of high level New Zealand businesspeople.

“This visit is an opportunity to show Russia that New Zealand is a serious partner with serious potential,” Mr Groser says.

Mr Groser says that there is huge scope for growth in the bilateral trade relationship and he would be actively investigating those opportunities during meetings with Russian officials and business people.