People power wins, but battle not over

Labour Party

Wednesday 30 May 2012, 12:23PM

By Labour Party


People power, along with common sense, has won the day with the ruling by the Liquor Licensing Authority fully in support of the Cannons Creek community and their bid to keep their homes safe from the havoc caused by alcohol, Labour MP for Mana, Kris Faafoi, said today.

“The community of Cannons Creek has once again won the day and on the way has created a precedent for other communities around New Zealand who are fighting similar battles.

“In this case not only is the outlet concerned just a stone’s throw away from a local school, but some of its customers use the school as their party venue on weekends, while late night revellers cause residents living nearby all sorts of grief.

“Exposing our young kids to that kind of behaviour is not on. It had to be stopped, so congratulations to those who stood up for their neighbourhood.

“In particular I’d like to acknowledge the Russell School leadership team of Principal Sose Annandale and Board of Trustees Chair Matthew Crawshaw.

“It’s fantastic that this community has been brave enough to speak out. This is a victory for people power.” Kris Faafoi said.