New vision for international education

Infonews Editor

Thursday 19 April 2007, 6:34PM

By Infonews Editor


New Zealand needs a more integrated, sustainable and forward-thinking approach to international education which goes well beyond the traditional export education focus.

The government wants a new approach to international education to ensure this sector contributes more to helping New Zealand compete and prosper on the world stage.

That's the aim of the government's international education strategy
discussion document released today.

"New Zealand needs a more integrated, sustainable and forward-thinking approach to international education which goes well beyond the traditional export education focus," said Tertiary Education Minister Michael Cullen today.

"The International Education Agenda outlines this new approach while continuing to build on the achievements of recent years."

The International Education Agenda (IEA) discussion document will be sent to those involved in international education in New Zealand including schools, universities and institutes of technology and polytechnics, as well as a range of private providers and other interested agencies.

In 2004 the government decided to invest $70.2 million promoting international education over five years. For example, international PhD students can study in New Zealand at the domestic fee rate, which has resulted in a 60 per cent increase in foreign doctoral students in one year.

"The agenda advocates exposing more New Zealand students to international experiences and interactions, and developing the talent of our teachers and researchers through international collaboration," said Dr Cullen.

Over 93,000 international students from 150 countries were studying in New Zealand in 2006. While numbers have declined from a peak in 2002, the 2006 figures represent an 84 per cent increase since 2000. The economic returns to New Zealand are in the order of $1.9 billion annually; making it our third largest services export.

The discussion document sets out a number of priority actions to achieve the government's objectives for international education.