PM's back-pedalling highlights class size blunder

Labour Party

Wednesday 30 May 2012, 12:24PM

By Labour Party


A sudden decision to claw back funding from so-called education savings is an admission by the National Government that it made a huge mistake in deciding to increase class sizes, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

“National is desperately back-pedalling following a massive backlash from New Zealanders. Parents and teachers are deeply worried about the impact of bigger class sizes on their children’s learning. They’re vocal about those concerns and that’s something the Government is desperate to shut down.

“This afternoon’s sudden – and obviously rushed - announcement that the Government will now take money out of a contingency fund set up just a week ago to make sure schools don’t lose up to five teachers is an admission that they got it wrong.

“The fact that the Education Minister doesn’t know how much money it will actually take to sort the problem out is evidence that the announcement is just a rushed attempt at damage control.

“Despite the belated attempt to reassure parents, schools will still lose teachers under National’s plan. The Prime Minister somehow argues that increasing class sizes will increase the quality of teachers. That’s nonsense because the reality is that the same teachers will simply be teaching more students, in some cases up to 38 in a class.

“Schools have also been clear that classes will suffer, including reading recovery, technology, science, art and drama.

“I’ve never heard of a government arguing in support of increased class sizes as part of improving education.  National’s changes will undermine our education system and our children’s ability to get the best start in life,” said David Shearer.