Minister announces review team for Kaipara Council

David Carter

Wednesday 30 May 2012, 3:59PM

By David Carter


Local Government Minister David Carter is to appoint a review team to assist the Kaipara District Council.

“It has become apparent that the Kaipara District Council is dealing with some serious issues that it cannot cope with alone,” says Mr Carter.

“The Council has sought help from central government and the wider local government sector. We have agreed to work with the Council and Local Government New Zealand to set up a small team to assist Kaipara to work through its issues.

“The Council recognises that the assistance the Government can provide is very limited. It also realises that it must work closely with its community to resolve any problems.

“However, it is clear that the situation in Kaipara is urgent and that action is now needed,” Mr Carter says.

“Under the current Local Government Act, there are limited options for the Government to intervene to assist councils. A situation like this illustrates why the Government has embarked on its Better Local Government reform programme.”

Mr Carter says the Council would continue with its Long Term Plan consultation and hearings in order to adopt its Long Term Plan by the end of June and set its rates for the 2012/13 financial year.

“The review team will assist the Council with its consideration of critical issues, including setting appropriate rating levels for Kaipara ratepayers for subsequent years. Continuing to borrow to pay interest and operating costs is simply not sustainable.”

Mr Carter adds the review would not affect the Auditor-General’s current investigation into the Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme.

“The review team’s work will be future-focused rather than retrospective. I will, however, consider carefully the implications of the Auditor-General’s report when it is released,” he says.

An announcement on the review team members and the terms of reference will be made as soon as possible.

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