Latest UC earthquake research to be unveiled at forum

University of Canterbury

Thursday 31 May 2012, 5:58PM

By University of Canterbury



The latest findings from a diverse range of earthquake-related research projects being undertaken at the University of Canterbury will be revealed at “Renewal and Resilience”, the UC Earthquake Research Forum, on Tuesday 5 June.

From rock fall in the Port Hills to learning in the new normal, the topics of the one-day forum will cover a broad canvas, according to UC’s Earthquake Research Facilitator Jessica Petersen.

“Ever since the Christchurch and Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, UC researchers have been working on more than 200 earthquake-related research projects. This is a great chance for the researchers to engage with agencies working in the Canterbury rebuild.”

The research projects include the natural, built and social environment, as well as quick-fire rapid response, comparative, statistical and longitudinal studies, and commissioned research regarding earthquake effects on land, infrastructure and community.

“The Earthquake Research Portfolio is evidence of UC’s commitment to apply its strengths in science, technology, engineering, education and social sciences towards the recovery and rebuild of Canterbury. In fact, contribution to the Canterbury rebuild is one of the four key priorities for UC for 2012,” said Jessica.

“We are acutely aware that this is a historic moment in time. One hundred years into the future the research generated from the Canterbury earthquakes will be UC’s most formidable legacy. We know the research outputs are globally relevant and will mark UC as a world leader in the field of earthquake research.”

The forum will be held in the Central Lecture Theatre at the University of Canterbury, and will run from 8.30am until 5pm. The day will feature panel discussions and presentations in the areas of:

Recovery of lifelines
Working in the new normal
Commemorating Christchurch
Impacts on Coastline and Waterways
Learning in the new normal
Crisis Communication
Rock fall in the Port Hills
Social Infrastructure
Transition in the City


Renewal and Resilience – UC Earthquake Research Forum

Tuesday 5 June, Central Lecture Theatre






Welcome and opening of Forum


Key Note - Rod Carr “Opportunities from the Earthquakes”


Plenary - Jarg Pettinga – Canterbury earthquakes and the practical application of research


Morning Break


Themed Sessions


Room C1 - Commemorating Christchurch

Room C2 - Impacts on Coastline and Waterways

Room C3 - Crisis Communication


Plenary - Mike Grimshaw – Disasters, Research and the Ethics of Disaster research




Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion – Key lessons from the Canterbury Quakes


Themed Sessions


Room C1 – Resilience Lifelines

Room C2 - Learning in the New Normal

Room C3 - Working in the New Normal


Afternoon Tea


Themed Sessions


Room C1 - Rock fall in the Port Hills

Room C2 - Transition in the City

Room C3 - Community Health and Wellbeing


Plenary - John Vargo - Organisational Resilience in Canterbury: Yesterday, today and tomorrow


Closing Address – Steve Weaver




Professor Steve Weaver Assistant Vice Chancellor Research

Jessica Petersen – Earthquake Research Facilitator


Plenary Sessions

Dr Rod Carr – Vice Chancellor of the University of Canterbury – Opportunities from the Quakes

Professor Jarg Pettinga Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor Canterbury earthquakes and the practical application of research

Associate Professor Michael Grimshaw School of Social and Political Sciences - Disasters, Research and the Ethics of Disaster research

Associate Professor John Vargo from Resilient Organisations Organisational Resilience in Canterbury: Yesterday, today and tomorrow


Panel Members

Associate Professor Neville Blampied – Psychology

Associate Professor Stefano Pampanin – Civil and Resource Engineering

Associate Professor Rosemary du Plessis – School of Social and Political Sciences

Dr Thomas Wilson – Geological Sciences



Themed Sessions

Commemorating Christchurch

Dr Christopher Thomson UC Digital Humanities ProgrammeCEISMIC and the role of a digital archive

Professor Mark Billinghurst HITlabNZ Using Augmented Reality to Commemorate Christchurch

Ms Jill Durney MacMillan Brown Library UC CEISMIC Virtual Heritage Project: Christchurch Lost and Found


Impacts on Coastline and Waterways

Associate Professor Islay Marsden Biological Sciences Intertidal communities in the Avon Heathcote Ihutai Estuary

Dr Deirdre Hart Geography Making coastal cities resilient – lessons from Christchurch

Dr Catherine Reid Geological Sciences The Avon Heathcote as a recorder of seismic uplift

Crisis Communication

Dr Deak Helton Psychology – Human Factors in Search and Rescue

Associate Professor Jim Tully Media and Communication Impact on Journalists of reporting on the quakes

Dr Zita Joyce Media and Communication - Radio Quake


Resilient Lifelines

Dr Matthew Hughes Civil and Natural Resource Engineering - Liquefaction impacts on Christchurch’s water and wastewater networks

Dr Alessandro Palermo Civil and Natural Resource EngineeringImpact of ground shaking and lateral spread on seismic vulnerability of bridges

Dr Sonia Giovinazzi Civil and Natural Resource Engineering Recovery of lifelines



Learning in the New Normal

Professor Simon Kemp Psychology How does a series of earthquakes affect academic performance?

Ms Nicki Dabner School of Literacies and Arts in Education UC use of social media in response to the September quake

Dr Julie Mackey School of Literacies and Arts in Education - Implementing blended e-learning strategies in disaster response mode and beyond: stories from teacher education


Working in the New Normal

Dr Bernard Walker and Associate Professor Ven Nilakant Management HRM and employee-organisation interactions following a disaster, and organisational learning as a key to improve disaster responses

Associate Professor Kate Van Heugten Social Work Challenges and rewards of working in the human services in the aftermath of the Canterbury Earthquakes 2010/2011

Professor Jeremy Finn Law Legal Implications of the earthquakes



Rock fall in the Port Hills

Dr Marlene Villeneuve Geological Sciences Towards understanding mechanisms of failure in the Port Hills and Bank’s Peninsula

Dr Mark Bloomberg and Mr Peter Rutland Forestry Use of forests for rock fall protection in the Port Hills


Transition City

Dr Charlotte Brown Civil and Natural Resource Engineering - A waste-full recovery: managing waste after the 2010/2011 Christchurch earthquakes

Dr George Parker Theatre and Fine ArtsPerformance research as a tool for building the Transitional City


Community Health and Wellbeing

Professor Simon Kingham Geography The impact of exposure to the earthquake on geographical variations in non emergency stress related health

Dr David Conradson GeographyStories of Movement: Experience of disruption and adjustment in the post quake city