Animals in Parks Should be Left Alone

Thursday 31 May 2012, 7:23PM

By New Plymouth District Council



An eel beaten to death in Huatoki Plaza has prompted a reminder that all animals within Council-administered areas are protected and should be left alone.

This week’s incident was the second in a year at the plaza, with the first killing taking place in front of children.

“It’s very upsetting for those who see these things happening,” says Manager Parks Programmes Steve McGill.

“The guy who gaffed the eel this week was told by those in the adjacent café to leave it alone because they feed it as a pet. He responded by killing the eel in front of them.

“In any park area that is administered by the Council, such as Huatoki Plaza and Pukekura Park, eels, ducks and other wildlife are protected and should not be touched.”

Council staff have previously removed eel lines from Hutoki Stream at the plaza.

NPDC will respond to reports of any wildlife in the district’s parks that is injured or is being interfered with by a member of the public.