Mana's schools speaking out

Labour Party

Wednesday 6 June 2012, 11:32AM

By Labour Party


A good cross section of Mana’s schools are speaking out against the Government’s education cuts announced in this year’s Budget saying they will not help our kids reach their potential, Labour MP for Mana Kris Faafoi said today.

“I’ve been monitoring newsletters as well as speaking to parents and staff. There’s an overwhelming sense the cut to student-teacher ratios is bad news,” Kris Faafoi said.

“I have had a constant flow of emails, phone calls, Facebook messages and letters from parents, teachers and community groups who are appalled at National’s blind pursuit of bigger classes and fewer teachers.

“The government is treating our kids - and their teachers - like mere widgets where cost saving advantages over-ride investment in a quality public education

Here is a selection of what is being said in local school newsletters:

“On current roll numbers we would have to lose one teacher. To continue providing technology for our Year 7 and 8 students and Reading Recovery for our 6 year olds we would have to increase class sizes by 2 children in every class, or fundraise an additional $65,000 per year.” - Papakowhai School

“Any reduction to teaching staff reduces our ability to provide personalized education to meet the needs of our children.” – Raumati South School.

“There has been a plethora of articles come out this week in response to Hekia Parata's class sizes announcement.  Please find enclosed an excellent reading which explains why this policy change is not good practice.”-  Pāremata School.

“As it stands, looking at the estimated Roll returns we stand to lose at least one teacher for next year. Certain programmes we offer will likely be cut and some other positions like our Teacher aides are also under threat.” – Rangikura School.

Labour is calling on the Government to ditch its plan to increase class sizes and to stop trying to make trade-offs with our children’s education.

“A moratorium just doesn’t cut it. Increasing class sizes is a bad idea. National should just admit it and put a stop to it now.” Kris Faafoi said