Kedgley calls for Capital Coast to be put on notice

Green Party

Wednesday 7 November 2007, 4:48PM

By Green Party


Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is concerned at reports that Capital Coast District Health Board is in a state of disarray and she is calling on the Minister of Health to put the Board on notice that if the situation isn’t rectified he will step in.

“While I strongly support the independence of democratically elected Health Boards, it is essential that the wellbeing of patients comes first. Reports in today’s Dominion Post that Capital Coast is going from crisis to crisis should lead the Health Minister to put the DHB on notice that he is prepared to step in and appoint a commissioner if necessary.”

“Wellingtonians cannot have confidence in a Health Board which, according to reports, is unable to manage staffing shortages, cannot keep patient records secure and private, and cannot ensure dangerous drugs are managed with the necessary care.

“One of the issues raised is that clinicians are alienated from and unhappy with management. Clearly, clinicians need to be included in decision making throughout the hospital. Bureaucrats cannot run hospitals without the clinical expertise and cooperation of doctors and any attempt at doing so is doomed to failure.

“Reports of findings, such as 20,000 electronic radiological reports not being printed due to computer error and patients’ medical records being stored in public corridors, have an almost Monty Python quality.

“But this is no joke. The people of Wellington will be looking to the Health Minister to provide answers so that they can feel confident that their healthcare is in safe hands.”