Clamour for same-sex marriage loud and clear

Green Party

Thursday 7 June 2012, 11:22AM

By Green Party


The Government should legislate to allow same-sex couples to get married, in light of a TVNZ poll that shows New Zealanders now overwhelming support marriage equality, says the Green Party.

TVNZ's poll on same-sex marriage found that 63% of New Zealanders think same-sex couples should be able to get married. 31% were opposed, while 6% did not know or preferred not to say.

"It is time for New Zealand to amend our laws to reflect the change in society's views on same-sex marriage," said Green Party Rainbow Issues spokesperson Kevin Hague.

"Twice as many New Zealanders now support same sex marriage as oppose it.

"John Key recently said that while he is personally not opposed, there isn't any clamour for gay marriage in New Zealand. This poll shows he is wrong in that assertion.

"I have been working on a Member's Bill that would end marriage discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity," said Mr Hague.

Kevin Hague intends to put his Marriage (Equality) Amendment Bill into the next Members Bills ballot, but is urging the Government to pick up on the public's support and adopt his Bill before it is drawn from the ballot.

"This is an issue which New Zealanders clearly feel strongly about. John Key can make marriage equality a priority and introduce this legislation."

"While other political parties have also been working on achieving marriage equality for all New Zealanders, the Green Party is the only party that stands unified in support of same-sex marriage.

"All Green MP's will vote in favour of marriage equality.

"Extending legal partnerships and associated rights to all New Zealanders has been Green Party policy for a long time, and we have the support of our entire caucus on this issue."