Teaching Our Children About Our Species

Thursday 7 June 2012, 2:50PM

By Marlborough District Council



Witherlea School Room 15 pupils’ Living Landscapes is another of the Council environmental education programmes where students develop knowledge of Marlborough's landscapes and its inhabitants and an appreciation of why they are special.

Recently, Witherlea School’s Room 15 pupils recently studied Marlborough’s lizards as part of the programme. Local lizard expert Roger Larsen shared his geckos and skinks with the children so they could enjoy a hands-on experience while learning about lizards. Samantha Dunkinson watches Sally Cook gently holding one of the geckos.

  • There are a number of native lizards - geckos and skinks - endemic to Marlborough
  • Native lizards are protected and a special permit from DOC is required to keep them
  • The destruction of habitat has caused a decline in our lizard population in Marlborough
  • You can help by creating gardens with hidey-holes and rocks placed in the sun
  • Keep cats inside at night.


For more information about the Council’s Environmental Education Programmes contact Annie MacDonald: Ph: 03 520 7400