Humiliating back-down a victory for Kiwi kids and parents

Labour Party

Friday 8 June 2012, 12:24PM

By Labour Party


News of the Government’s humiliating back-down over its class size plans is a victory for Kiwi kids and their parents, Labour Leader David Shearer says.

“It is great that the Minister has finally seen some sense. But it is still mindboggling that National could have ever thought increasing class sizes was in any way a good idea.

“It is clear National has made this decision for political purposes, not because it is truly concerned about the best interest of our children.

“Hekia Parata says she decided to reverse the plan following a ‘disproportionate amount of anxiety’ from parents.

“This plainly demonstrates that National still did not think that the policy was wrong. The Government still doesn’t get the damage that increased classes sizes will do to children’s learning.

“The Minister also announced today that the Government is abandoning proposed investment in professional leadership and teach quality initiatives. This shows it continues to see improving quality and increasing class sizes as a trade-off,” David Shearer said.

“National still sees education as a cost to cut, rather than an investment in our future.

“National has zero credibility on education after this humiliating back-down. Parents and teachers will be waiting for the next round of education cuts.

“Investing in education should be one of the highest priorities for any Government and will be for any Government I lead.

“The Prime Minister needs to take responsibility for this botched policy as much as Hekia Parata,” said David Shearer.