Council launches Bright Sparks Challenge

Hutt City Council

Friday 8 June 2012, 3:00PM

By Hutt City Council



Hutt City is full of innovative and creative people and just to prove the point council are launching the Hutt City Environmental Sustainability Community Challenge, aka Bright Sparks, on Monday 11 June.

Bright Sparks organiser Geoff Stuart says the challenge aims to draw attention to the range of talented people living in the city and how their efforts could improve the environment. “We want you to submit your truly innovative idea to the council and we will provide a range of prizes so you can bring to life that idea,” says Geoff.

The winning entries will receive a tailor-made prize which will include up to $2,500 in cash (donated by local law firm Thomas Dewar Sziranyi Letts), the services of up to 50 volunteers, $1,000 from Hutt City Council, design and prototype work provided by staff at the Weltec campus in Petone and Greater Wellington Regional Council will offer services to the winner of the sustainable transport section. Assistance will be given from the HCC sustainability advisor and mentoring from HCC Sustainability Manager.

Bright Sparks ideas can range from energy alternatives to recycling waste.

The challenge is open to Hutt residents, businesses, schools and council employees. Submissions close on July 6. Rules and guidelines are available on the council website.

For further information contact Sonja Cabrera, communications and marketing advisor on 04 570 6847 or email